Two years later, Ellie can't stop thinking about her sister. Although everyone else has given up hope that Nina will return, Ellie just knows her sister is out there, somewhere. When Ellie finds a clue in the form of a mysterious drawing, she sets off on a road trip with her crush, determined to find her sister.
Along the way, Ellie finds a few things she wasn't planning on. Like love. Mysteries. Lies. And something far more shocking... the truth.
This was a great road trip novel with a really unexpected twist near the end. When I picked it up I thought it would be your usual 'girl travels cross- country with hot guy and ends up discovering who she is' type of book which I almost always enjoy, but it was so much more than that as well. It ended up being a suspensful thriller along the way.
Ellie begins and continues her search for Nina by discovering pieces of artwork that Nina left along the way that now act as clues. (These pictures were included in the book which I thought was great). This made the search quite spontaneous since the drawings are all that Ellie has to go on. So in a way it does seem a little far-fetched but that didn't bother me since it was fast-paced with lots of twists, so I just kept turning the pages wanting to find out want happened next.
Even though Nina isn't actually present in the novel, it feels like she is the most prominent character and she's the one you get to know the most. It feels like she has a real zeal for life so it is even more mysterious that she has disappeared. However, Ellie is the one you ultimately connect to and she ends up feeling like your friend. Since Ellie is the only one who hasn't lost hope of finding Nina, she really bonds to Sean (her crush) who is the only one that encourages this hope and ends up being the one that gives Ellie the push to actual start the search. Sean seems kind and caring, yet mysterious and his personality unravels throughout the novel.
This is quite an intense and emotional novel at times, what with Ellie's grief for the loss of a sister and the danger from somebody who turns out to be completely different to who she thought they were. In a way this novel screams caution but it also tells you to stop holding back if something is shadowing your life. Overall, an amazing read that doesn't just stick to one genre.

Random Passage: As soon as I hear myself say the words, I feel a squeezing in my chest. I got caught up in the excitement of the moment, in the thrill of finding a piece of new information in the credit card statement, in finding someone willing to help me. Coming here, putting all that effort in, really made me feel like we were doing something and therefore were guaranteed to find the next clue. But just because you have sat in the car for hours and hours does not mean you're going to find anything if there isn't anything to find. We're at a diner in the middle of Nebraska where Nina once came two entire years ago. What did I think we'd find? Before Rosie even opens her mouth, I know what the answer is going to be.
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